Product Asset Setting

To ensure the proper functioning of Auditor, include assets for products created in the Portal in version v23.10.1 and earlier.

If the product has already been created, add its Asset data. To do this, select the product on the Product page


In the Repository tab, fill in the required fields:

  1. Repository SSH URL: enter the address of your repository in a specific format, for example:

  1. Repository Link config: repository source link used to link the portal to your repository based on a created pattern

Select a pre-created pattern from the drop-down list or use the find a matching config function

Or create a new pattern directly from this section

  1. Save the created asset by clicking on the Create button

Docker Image

In the Repository tab enter the address of the registry where your product is located and click Create

Domain & Host

In the Domain tab enter domain name, for example

In the Host tab enter host IP, for example

Click Create

Cloud Account

In the Cloud account tab enter the Cloud Account Name where your product is located, its Cloud key ID and Cloud key secret and click Create

Apply the created assets when using the Auditor

Last updated