Product settings

Get a better understanding of what's really at risk, product by product, with the informative Products tab

The Products page allows you to manage the products in the AppSec Portal. From here, you can create new products, view existing products, and configure the settings for each product.

Products page

On the Products tab, you can view a list of all products grouped by product type.

Products can be sorted in ascending and descending order by Name, Risk, Triaged and Resolved status using the Sort button.

Filter by product type and tags provides an easy way to navigate between different product types and/or product tags, default product.

Product Dashboard

Clicking on a product will take you to the product dashboard

This dashboard provides an overview of the product's risk profile, including the Product Weighted Risk Trend and a Risk Appetite graph showing the current state of the security posture for this specific product.

The dashboard also displays statistics on unverified, verified, and resolved findings, as well as a list of all findings grouped by verification status. Any finding in the list can be expanded to show all of its information.

Business Criticality

Fill survey for every product to designate overall business criticality or set it manually:

The default value for business criticality is 10. Unless you set a different value, any product is considered to be highly critical. Please adjust criticality level so that your metrics reflect a more realistic risk trend.

Last updated