
Quickly find and fix the vulnerabilities that put your web applications at risk of attack.

AppSec Portal Importer Name: Acunetix Scan

Acunetix is a specialized scanner designed to detect vulnerabilities in web applications. It provides a comprehensive solution for identifying security issues that could potentially compromise the security of web applications.

Acunetix scans web applications by performing a thorough examination of their code, configuration, and functionality. It is equipped to discover a wide range of security vulnerabilities, including but not limited to SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), security misconfigurations, and more. This extensive coverage ensures that web application developers and security professionals can identify and address potential threats effectively.

Curl example

curl -X POST localhost/api/v1/scan/import/ -H "Authorization: Token a75bb26171cf391671e67b128bfc8ae1c779ff7b" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "file=@./acunetix.json" -F "product_name=Product1" -F "product_type=Application" -F "scanner_name= Acunetix Scan" -F "branch=dev" 

In this command, the following parameters are used:

  1. -X POST: specifies the HTTP method to be used (in this case, POST)

  2. -H "Authorization: Token <authorization_token>": specifies the authorization token obtained from AppSec Portal.

  3. -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data": specifies the content type of the request.

  4. -F "file=@<report_file_path>": specifies the path to the report file generated by the scanner.

  5. -F "product_name=<product_name>": specifies the name of the product being scanned.

  6. -F "product_type=<product_type>": specifies the type of the product being scanned.

  7. -F "scanner_name=<scanner_name>": specifies the name of the scanner used to generate the report (Acunetix Scan)

  8. -F "branch=<branch_name>": (optional) specifies the name of the branch in the source code repository (if applicable) This parameter is particularly useful when you want to associate the scan results with a specific branch in your repository. If not provided, the scan will be associated with the default branch

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